915660 1354873


Year 2022
Runtime 90 mins
Language English
Canadian Premiere

Jesselyn Silva, a 15-year-old girl from New Jersey, is a three-time national boxing champion. She has her sights set on becoming the best in boxing. Jess's father, Pedro, navigates what it means to support his daughter’s dreams in an extremely dangerous sport. As Jess is on the cusp of making the Olympic team, an unthinkable diagnosis redefines what it means to fight.

Expanded from the award-winning 2017 New York Times Op-Ed doc of the same name, director Emily Sheskin’s debut feature was borne of a desire to tell the story of a young woman in a male-dominated sport. However, years of shooting ended up capturing a beautiful father-daughter bond and an inspirational struggle outside the boxing ring.

JESSZILLA is a coming-of-age story about what it means to be a champion.


United States
Emily Sheskin
Benjamin Kainz, Emily Sheskin
Paul Yee
Katie Turinski
Pietro Milanesi
Jessica Silva, Pedro Silva