At first, Found Memories appears to be a slice-of-life movie as Director Julia Murat’s debut narrative feature follows Madalena (Sonia Guedes) through her daily routine in rural Brazil. She rises before dawn to bake bread and finishes her day writing love letters by oil lamp, sealing each one in a faded airmail envelope before adding it to an overflowing box. Like the rest of the town, she's comfortable with what feels like a timeless routine.
Then Rita, a young photographer (Lisa Fávero), hikes into town. She gradually develops friendships with the townspeople, inadvertently rousing them from their idyll. Rita’s friendship emboldens Madalena to make a choice that raises questions about what we owe to people who live on in our memories—and what we owe to each other. this thought-provoking elegy won awards at festivals in Abu Dhabi, Reykjavik and Ljubljana.
Argentina- Festivals
- Rotterdam International Film Festival 2012,
San Francisco International Film Festival 2012 - Director
- Julia Murat
- Producer
- Christian Boudier, Juliette Lepoutre, Marie-Pierre Macia, Julia Murat, Lucia Murat, Felicitas Raffo, Julia Solomonoff
- Cinematographer
- Lucio Bonelli
- Editor
- Marina Meliande
- Music
- Lucas Marcier
- Cast
- Lisa Favero, Sonia Guedes, Ricardo Merkin