So you finally buckled down, sweated through the long hours and self-doubt, and you’ve written what you modestly consider to be the world’s best comedy script. Now what? As most filmmakers will tell you, writing is the easy part – getting the film made and selling it are hard!
So what is the next step? Where do you start? How do you get a star interested in your project? Why are Canadian comics and comedians so successful but Canadian comedies – not so much? What does it take to produce and sell your film in Canada and internationally? Find the answers to these questions and many more with our panel of experts, gathered from the far-flung corners of the Great White North! Featuring Michael Petersen (LLOYD THE CONQUEROR), Aaron Houston (SUNFLOWER HOUR), Michael Sparaga (SERVITUDE), and Dave Lawrence (A LEGEND OF WHITEY, FUBAR, FUBAR II), plus independent sales and distribution consultant Angie Burns, formerly with Maple Pictures.