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Mean Dreams

This neo-noir thriller, which premiered at Cannes 2016, unravels the tale of a 15-year-old boy who has his life torn apart when he...

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Misfits, The

(Los Inadaptados)

Winner of the Guadalajara Film Festival audience award, The Misfits explores what can happen when people pretend to be who they’re not, and...

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Cast member Tiina Mälberg in attendance for the September 25 screening! 

Kadri Kõusaar’s MOTHER is a tantalizing crime mystery intelligently packaged as a dark...

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nîpawistamâsowin: WE WILL STAND UP

A grieving family's pursuit of justice highlights racism in Canada’s legal system after Colten Boushie’s accused killer is acquitted of murder.

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Old Stone

(Lao Shi)

Director Johnny Ma in attendance at Thursday night screening!

Johnny Ma’s stylish neo-noir is firmly planted in reality as the film is inspired by...

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One Floor Below

(Un Etaj Mai Jos)

A shining example of the Romanian New Wave Cinema about one man’s moral dilemma after being the sole witness to a murder.

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