Around the World in Animation
Animation can take us from Poland to New Zealand, from the fantastical to the mundane, in just the flip of a few frames.
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Animation can take us from Poland to New Zealand, from the fantastical to the mundane, in just the flip of a few frames.
Long coasting on a brilliant early career, Roberto's (Jose Mota) goodwill is running thin.
With millions striving to achieve the "Chinese Dream", ASCENSION presents a contemporary vision of China that prioritizes productivity and innovation above all.
Qiao (the outstanding Zhao Tao) and her gangster boyfriend Bin (Liao Fan) are a formidable duo who oversee the local criminal network in...
Follows Rey, a 40-year-old non-binary teacher and typhoon survivor, on a roadtrip to fame.
Salem high school senior Lily (Odessa Young, SWEET VIRGINIA, THE HIGH LIFE) and her pals spend their time in a haze of social...